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Congregation Photo c Aug 25 2024

Modeling and Making Resilient Disciples of Jesus Christ

Upcoming Events

Advent Bible Study - Wednesdays 
December 4, 11, 18 @ 6:30 pm

Why did Jesus, being fully God, take the form of a baby?  Was he born fully divine?  Was he born fully human?  Join Pastor Charles Pelc as we discuss the importance of God becoming flesh and living among us.


Children's Christmas Pageant

Our children will be sharing Christmas Songs and a unique telling of the Christmas story on Sunday, December 22, during our 9am service.  Practices will start Sunday, November 24, during our Harvest Thanksgiving Dinner.  All children  in our community are invited to participate.

Christmas Eve Services

Family Service - 6pm, December 24.  We will be celebrating Jesus' birthday with carols, special readings, children's activities, and the lighting of candles (battery operated candles available).

Traditional Candlelight Service - 11pm, December 24.  We will be welcoming the birth of Jesus with hymn and scripture service culminating in the lighting of candles at midnight.

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Find hope and healing after the death of a loved one through our weekly GRIEF SHARE support groups.  We meet at Mohawk UMC, 2045 W 400 North, Greenfield IN 46140.

Learn from grief recovery experts as they address how painful and isolating grief can be.  Comfortably talk about your grief with others.  Find support, direction and guidance through support, prayer, and scripture.   Topics include your grief journey, sadness and loneliness, fear and anxiety, anger, regret, grief and your relationships, questions for God, hope and resilience, and more.

This is FREE to participants, who can join our group at any time.  Contact the church at or 317-326-2460.  

Glorifying God by Loving Others

Hands of Hope CarePortal

We are partnering with Hands of Hope, Indiana, to assist at-risk children in Hancock Co remain in their homes by providing concrete needs to families and foster-families.  As needs arise, our church determines which requests we can meet, and we then build relationships with these families in our community.  If you would like to donate financial support for this ministry, submit your grace-filled giving and designate it CarePortal to Mohawk UMC.  If you have resources to provide we welcome all help in showing God's love.

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YouTube - "Mohawk UMC"

                   Live stream worship, Sun 9am

                   on the "Viral Church Channel"

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Instagram - "Mohawk UMC"

Facebook - "Mohawk UMC


Click on the icon below to give your gift to Mohawk Church through Givelify.

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Click the icon above to worship online at YouTube on our

"Viral Church Channel"

100% of all donations go directly to help those affected. Thank you!


Our Mission:  Modeling and Making Resilient Disciples of Jesus Christ.

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”  ~ John 13:34-35

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Mohawk United Methodist Church was formally organized in 1856, and has served as a place of worship to the families of Mohawk and surrounding communities for many generations. 

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Mohawk United Methodist Church understands the value of young people and strives to provide opportunities for discipleship and spiritual growth while developing a heart of service to others.

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Normally, our worship service is Sunday at 9am, then fellowship time with donuts, and Sunday School classes after that.


              Our Core Values

​As a part of the body of Christ, our mission is simple:

It is not about us!  It is about those who are not here yet.

This attitude is crucial as we work to reach new generations.

Our faith isn't just for us.  It is about those who have not

experienced the love of Christ yet, and are searching for 

a place to call home.  This is a call for action!

(Philippians 2:3-4)

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